Rich Hides
Cigar Case
Cigar Case
Experience the ultimate cigar storage solution with our handcrafted Cigar Case. Perfect for special events or daily use, this two-piece case is designed to securely hold and protect two cigars, preventing any damage from rolling around. Made with full grain leather from a family-owned tannery in the USA, each case is hand-stitched and hand stamped with our exclusive Rich Hides brand, adding a touch of sophistication to its masculine design. Proudly made in Texas, this case is a must-have for any cigar aficionado.
Leather will initially have a tight fit, but will mold appropriately over time.
Hand Stamped Initialing can be added for an additional fee.
All products made to order.
Cigar Cutter and Cigar not included.
Cigar Case is offered in Medium, Large, and Large with Cutter Slot.
Medium holds up to two 48 gauge cigars, 6 inch length
Large holds up to two 64 gauge cigars, 8 inch length